More than Pretty Words: The Daily Grind of a Social Media Copywriter

It’s a common misconception that all social media copywriters do is throw together a few captions, post photos, and scroll through our feeds all day.

But as a copywriter specialising in LinkedIn, I can tell you there’s a lot more to it than that.

Let’s review some of the tasks I perform weekly for my clients so you can see just how powerful social media copywriting can be for you.

But First, What Is Social Media Copywriting?

The real skill of a social media copywriter is writing short, impactful copy designed to hook and engage your potential customers.

Expect your copywriter to stay on top of the latest platform trends and updates so your content is always fresh and exciting.

What Does a Social Media Copywriter Actually Do?

1- Repurpose reports and articles into LinkedIn posts

Do you have long-form content like white papers, pitch-decks or reports?

As a social media copywriter, my job is to transform complex information into bite-sized social media posts that make viewers want to click for more. The trick is to give your audience a quick win. 

For example, a white paper about recruiting trends can become a LinkedIn post that delivers key insights and encourages the reader to download your report.

2- Nail your tone of voice

Maybe, like many of my clients, you’re a company leader who’s strapped for time.

An easy way to keep your LinkedIn profile active is to hire a social media copywriter to ghostwrite your posts for you.

My CEO clients and I meet monthly to discuss what’s going on in their work and personal lives. Our conversations help me mirror their unique thinking process and communication style. 

I then combine my client’s anecdotes and professional insights into scroll-stopping posts that sound just like them.

3- Research your target market 

The most important part of creating impactful social media content is knowing what motivates your audience. 

You’ll often find me scouring through Quora and Reddit threads to research a client’s target market, so I can tap into what they’re really thinking and feeling.

Grasping on your audience’s struggles and aspirations means I can guide them on a journey that connects them deeply with your brand.

Some additional responsabilites

  • Social media strategy consultation: I kickstart every new project with a comprehensive LinkedIn content strategy consultation to align my client’s content with their business goals.
  • Monthly analytics reporting: I track monthly performance analytics to gauge the results of our social media campaigns.
  • Collaborate with marketing teams: I also meet with marketing executive to make sure the content I create for their company aligns with the broader social media strategy.

Final Thoughts From a Social Media Copywriter

There’s no denying that writing social media posts is creative and fun. But it’s also a strategic and analytical role.

You need to know the platform, understand your audience, and make sure your content aligns with your business goals. When all these pieces come together, you can set and achieve your KPIs.

So, the next time you think social media copywriting is all fun and games, remember there’s a whole lot of strategy and hustle behind those posts!

Hi, I’m Julia! Follow Me on LinkedIn

Headshot of Julia Zatta wearing a pink baseball cap and pink sweather. She is smiling and looking directly at the camera.

Hi, I’m Julia! I’m a social media copywriter specialising in LinkedIn.

If you found this post useful, be sure to follow me on LinkedIn and don’t forget to ring my bell!

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Social Sales

I offer LinkedIn marketing strategy and content creation for busy business owners like you.

Based in Barcelona, Spain, and serving clients worldwide.

© Julia Zatta, 2024

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