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Budget is often a concern for business owners looking to hire a freelance social media copywriter. But when you’re only focusing on the bottom line, it’s easy to overlook red flags that can become problematic later on. Don’t worry—I’m here to help you with that. As a social media copywriter specialising in LinkedIn, I’ve put together […]

Headshot of Julia Zatta wearing a pink baseball cap and pink sweather. She is smiling and looking directly at the camera.

10 Questions to Ask Your Social Media Copywriter Before You Hire Them

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If you’re looking to take time off this summer without ghosting your LinkedIn network, here’s what you can do: Repurpose your content.  Take it from a LinkedIn copywriter: you don’t actually have to reinvent the wheel constantly. You can lean on the content you already have to maintain an engaged social media presence. Why You […]

Illustration with a cheerful sun and colorful clouds, featuring the title 'How to Repurpose Your LinkedIn Content This Summer.' A smiling woman in glasses and a black blouse points towards the text, set against a light blue background.

Repurpose Your LinkedIn Content and Keep Your Audience Engaged

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LinkedIn is changing, so if you’re using the platform to reach new customers, listen up! I’m going to tell you what my clients are investing in right now and what this means for you as a business owner. As a social media copywriter specialising in LinkedIn, I’ve seen firsthand how B2B clients are testing some […]

Promotional graphic featuring a woman in a yellow sweater and white scarf, smiling and gesturing with her hands towards text that reads 'LINKEDIN COPYWRITING SERVICES' in large, bold letters on a background styled like lined notebook paper. Below, a pink speech bubble states 'My B2B clients are loving right now'. The overall design is bright and professional, targeting business clients.

3 LinkedIn Copywriting Services B2B Clients Are Loving Right Now

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As a LinkedIn copywriter for business leaders, one of the first thing I encourage my clients to do is ask and give recommendations. Why? Because as consumers, we invest more confidently, knowing others have done it, too. That’s why knowing how to ask for (and give) outstanding LinkedIn recommendations is a best practice for building […]

A woman with a yellow jumper points to a sign that says: "how to ask for -and write- a great linkedin recommendation"

The Ultimate Guide on How to Ask for (and Write) a Great LinkedIn Recommendation

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As a LinkedIn copywriter, I’ve spoken to clients who feel confused about what content to post on the platform. Business owners often feel aren’t witty or clever enough in their posts. First of all you don’t need to be clever or witty on LinkedIn, you just need to be you.

Close up of a woman's hands typing on a laptop keyboard. She has a coffee and notebook on the table next to her and is pondering what to post on linkedin

What You Should Be Posting on LinkedIn as a Business Owner

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The best way to write your first LinkedIn post is by introducing yourself. Break the ice by reminding your audience about who you help and how, and be sure to include some relatable personal details. As a copywriter for LinkedIn, I like to remind my clients that there’s no need to overcomplicate things. The whole […]

two women working together facing a computer. They are writing their first LinkedIn post

How to Write Your First LinkedIn Post

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In 2024, having a website is just not enough. You have to show up on social media, too. If you’re a B2B service provider, you should post consistently on LinkedIn. It’s the best platform to promote your business. Gone are the days of using LinkedIn to store your CV. With over a billion users, LinkedIn […]

A man and a woman seated in a café pointing at their laptop screen

5 Reasons Why Consistency Is the Key to Success on LinkedIn

Let's connect!
Social Sales

I offer LinkedIn marketing strategy and content creation for busy business owners like you.

Based in Barcelona, Spain, and serving clients worldwide.

© Julia Zatta, 2024

Photos from Pexels, Unsplash & Kaboompics   |    Design by Wild Rose Creative