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I’ve been doing LinkedIn ghostwriting for a while now, and I often get asked the same questions: So here I am, answering them all! Let’s start from the beginning. What is LinkedIn Ghostwriting? As a LinkedIn copywriter, I also ghostwrite or “impersonate” my clients by writing content on their behalf. Essentially, I adopt their voice […]

The image shows a woman sitting at a desk, working on a laptop. She appears focused and is surrounded by a few books, a plant, and a small decorative object. The background is light and features a subtle, abstract gradient effect. The text on the image reads, "What exactly is LinkedIn Ghostwriting?" with the source "" noted at the bottom left corner.

LinkedIn Ghostwriting, What is It?

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It’s a common misconception that LinkedIn is a simple platform anyone can learn.  Many business owners still don’t realise that social media platforms today are intricate ecosystems that are constantly changing. And while anyone can learn this stuff, most business owners don’t have the time for it.  If you want to create a successful LinkedIn […]

A corkboard with blank white notes pinned around the edges and a central yellow note listing the benefits of working with a LinkedIn copywriter. The yellow note, titled "Work with a LinkedIn Copywriter to" and tagged with the website, features benefits written in black text: Enhance Your Brand, Save Time, Relieve Overwhelm, Increase Engagement, Get More Leads, Post Consistently, and Get LinkedIn Training. The benefits are separated by vertical, torn yellow lines.

What Do You Get Out of Working With a LinkedIn Copywriter?

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Let’s talk about some of the latest LinkedIn news and what this means for your business and personal brand. Companies are now leveraging personal brands on LinkedIn to reach new audiences. And LinkedIn is supporting this move with a new feature: Thought Leadership Ads. This means companies can pay to boost employee and influencer posts.  […]

The image features a pink background resembling lined notebook paper. At the top, there is a pink label with the text "LinkedIn Thought Leadership Ads" in black cursive font. Below, the main message "Why your personal brand matters now more than ever" is written in bold black font on a light blue background. To the right, a woman with light brown hair, glasses, and a pink sweater is smiling and pointing to the sign with her index finger

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Ads: Why Your Personal Brand Matters More Than Ever

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Visibility, enhanced brand reputation, and getting more inbound leads are some of the benefits for working with a LinkedIn copywriter.  If you’re not an experienced content creator, don’t have a copywriter on your team or don’t have the time to work on your writing skills, you should consider outsourcing to a professional. From writing posts […]

A woman wearing a yellow sweater and pink neck scarf is pointing at a sign that says "It is time to hire a linkedin copywriter for your business?"

Is it time to hire a LinkedIn copywriter for your business? 

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If you’ve ever tried to write several LinkedIn posts, newsletters or articles, you know how difficult it can be. You have to strategise, research, and put in the time. It’s all good if you’re a professional writer, but what about when you’re a business owner with lots on your plate? This is where hiring me […]

A young woman wearing a yellow sweater and bluejeans is pointing at a sign that says "What does a LinkedIn copywriter do?"

What does a LinkedIn Copywriter do?

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I’m here with a quick and easy guide to help you start your LinkedIn journey without wasting hours fussing about.

In this article, you’ll learn about the basics of how LinkedIn works so you’ll know exactly where to start.

Close up of a mobile phone showing the linkedin app home page

How to Get Started on LinkedIn as a Business Owner

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In 2024, having a website is just not enough. You have to show up on social media, too. If you’re a B2B service provider, you should post consistently on LinkedIn. It’s the best platform to promote your business. Gone are the days of using LinkedIn to store your CV. With over a billion users, LinkedIn […]

A man and a woman seated in a café pointing at their laptop screen

5 Reasons Why Consistency Is the Key to Success on LinkedIn

Let's connect!
Social Sales

I offer LinkedIn marketing strategy and content creation for busy business owners like you.

Based in Barcelona, Spain, and serving clients worldwide.

© Julia Zatta, 2024

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